High Vibrational Places

All areas of the world are spiritual though. Spirituality can be practiced anywhere at any time. However, for those who are particularly energy sensitive meditating in areas with a lot of spiritual activity can be incredibly peaceful. Aquacious is also based in the very holy city of Varanasi, India. This is one of the oldest cities on the planet, if not the oldest. It is packed with spiritual energy and is/ was a pilgrimage spot for many of the spiritual figures on this list.

We have recently entered into an area of space where that for reasons relatively unknown to modern scientists is blasting us with high energy photons. [106] Photons are essentially the smallest possible particles of light known to man at this point in history. Being blasted with high amounts of light has an enormous effects on the planet. This light is effecting us on a physical level as seen in planetary fluctuations like the earth’s previously stable schumann resonance. [107] [108] On a spiritual level many people believe this is increasing our planetary vibration, setting humans up for remarkably fast spiritual evolution. This is allowing us on a collective scale to shed our karma, to break from the chains of our histories. The cosmic heavens are blessing us with more light to take control of our lives and destinies.

More and more scientific research is beginning to accept “gaia hypothesis” which states that the earth is a living organism just like a human. But this has been accepted by thousands of spiritual traditions across the world since the birth of humanity. Anyone whose familiar with biology understands the symbiosis between all natural life and how even plants and minerals rely on each other to grow and evolve.

The earth like the human body also is a magnet with a North and South pole. This leads to the question, does earth have a nervous system also? The idea that the earth is a living organism was widely accepted among civilizations who lived closely with the earth. In the 1920’s an archeologist Alfred Watkins noticed how in many civilizations important spiritual landmarks were built in straight lines to each other. Now many members of modern spiritual communities specifically related the New Age movement claim these ley lines hold mystical significance. In a sense they are like the earth’s nervous system, connecting significant areas of the earth to other areas to transmit important information around the planet. However, despite the popularity of the term, the general scientific community has not published a significant amount of research that accept the existence of ley lines. [109]

Remarkably, many spiritually significant sites in various cultural traditions world wide are built on top of these ley lines. And there are so many places in the world that hold great spiritual energy and very high vibrations. The idea that there are spiritually significant energy pathways among the earth is found from Australian aborigine traditions in the existence of “Song Lines” all the way to South American Shamanism as “Spirit Lines”. Their existence is still worth considering for further investigation because of the prevalence of such lines in earth’s humanity’s whole stratosphere and the profound insight such discoveries could give us.

The existence of ley lines and relating the body of the earth to our human bodies is one way to rationalize the existence of high energy points across the globe. However, the best form of rationalization about a spiritual experience is to experience it oneself. Thousands if not millions of people across the globe from different traditions accept many spots as having a particularly high energetic field.

Below is a list of the major intersections of these lines among many other high vibratory places home to a lot of high energetic spiritual activity:

These are high energetic points, according to the Becker-Hagens Grid of Ley Lines following patterns from sacred geometry work by Buckminster Fuller. It is commonly accepted within the New Age community that the Earth also has chakra points located on these ley lines. These are generally well-known among new age communities so no citations will be given as most of this information is heresy and metaphorical representation of how chakras could manifest in Earth. A quick google search should answer any remaining questions. [110]

Muladhara “Root” Chakra – Mount Shasta, California, USA

This is a hub of spiritual activity within the United States. It’s a site for UFO sightings and is sacred to a variety of Native American tribes in the area. As a still active volcano it acts as a geyser of upward energy, regulating universal life as the root chakra base of the kundalini.

Svadhisthana “Sacral” Chakra – Lake Titicaca, Bolivia & Peru

The highest navigational lake in the world. It’s a sacred sight for South American pilgrims that holds special historical significance for the Incans and many small tribes around the area. Said to be the embodiment of both the masculine and feminine energies to form complete sexuality as the sacral chakra.

Manipura “Navel” Chakra – Uluru & Kata Tjuta Rock Formations, Australia

Known to many aboriginee’s as a place for understanding the ancient wisdom and creation stories to help guide them in their lives. This is known as the sacral center due to the it’s power for manifestation and guiding oneself to one’s higher nature.

Anahata “Heart” Chakra – Glastonbury & Shaftsbury, England

Two towns where King Arthur was taken on boat to be healed and the holy grail was brought by Joseph of Arimathea. This is a place of healing similar to how the heart chakra is the healing chakra and helps us progress spiritually through love.

Vishuddha “Throat” Chakra – Pyramid of Giza, Egypt

Known as one of the seven ancient wonders of world and built between 13,000 – 5,000 years ago depending on who you talk to (Flower or Life, Mainstream archeology). The pyramids were the ancient tombs of past pharos. It’s been said that they are actually portals for interdimensional beings and extraterrestrials to travel to and from Earth. The throat represents communication and here lies the “cry of mother earth” calling to all humanity to love in peace, harmony, and oneness.

Ajni “Third Eye” Chakra – Glastonbury, England

The location of this chakra moves every age of the zodiac per 2100 – 2500 years. Glastonbury at the heart chakra also represents a strong recognition and awareness of the heart through the third eye to help humanity with it’s present day problems. Perhaps it’s a suggestion from the cosmos for humanity to find solace in the interconnectedness between all through the heart chakra’s love and less from the power found in the sacral chakra we humanity has been running for the past 2000 years.

“Crown” Chakra – Mount Kailash, Tibet

Mount Kailash at 22,000 feet tall is called the “roof of the world” being one of the highest peaks in the world and closest to the divine. It is a sacred mountain in the Himalayas and arguably one of the purest places on earth because of it’s difficulty to reach. The Himalayas according to many Vedic traditions are where some of the most powerful beings and protectors of earth live.