Spiritual Practices

This guide defines a spiritual practice as anything that allows you to transform yourself and break habits that keep you stuck in cycles of unhappiness. Some of these may take you quickly, directly to Source or God. Others are less direct and could take you on a much longer but perhaps easier road to reach the divine goal. Maybe for you there is no divine goal and enlightenment is just a state of mind to have while here on earth. Whatever your beliefs may be this guide only urges you to help yourself evolve through the guidance of beings who have been in your shoes before. May these paths serve you to become the best you and attain that which you know you’re looking for.

**Note** With all of these traditions, be sure to vet your gurus, teachers, and medicine very carefully. It takes hundreds if not thousands of hours of practice from a truly heart centered guide to gain the experience level needed to safely prepare medicines, techniques, initiations, and rituals. Also, be mindful of the intense and at times sensitive history surrounding many of these traditions. From my experience with indigenous people from around the world, spiritual are for everyone who resonates with them. However, always be mindful of where they come from and the culture you come from.

These experiences are not about the words but the heart. Spirituality is often never about the mind. Many practices actually focus on eliminating activity of the mind. For the purposes of conveying information these practices are labeled under certain words. Remember these labels are just words. Try not to get too caught up in them if you feel one calling to you or if one doesn’t feel right. Trust yourself and trust your feelings.**

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