game of life

game of life

imagine life was a game with simple rules to gain fulfillment, purpose and find safety in love. aquascious is a self-experience as a community. an experiment living, researching and developing this connecting the puzzle pieces and dots. solving our riddle as an individual through engagement and finding our role in the game by exploration and dialogue with our higher self. learning to learn and grow each day.

when you decide to face life with an open mind, heart and will – as change is what it needs – your aquascious hero’s journey can begin.


“Hero with a Thousand Faces” by Joseph Campbell ( 1949) marks the  discovery and conceptualization of the monomyth . Campbells book showed that all great heroic tales developed by cultures around the world share the same 12 essential steps. We trust that we are on earth to understand all of the archetypes (C.G. Jung) and phases of the monomyth in order to find our way home to being fully awake.




my self-analysis gets me in the phase of the” tests, allies and enemies”. you can please watch my video on this for a deeper understanding of who I am and why I put myself in this phase.


@griffith 27/04/20





this is a clip Robin  produced. he describes the game.

levels of understanding can be clustered in the present the future as desired by the higher being of oneself. the biography of the individual and the collective as it happened and needs to be understood. and finally the archetypes as they are the motives that have been there forever.  in order to overcome them we have to face them as a collective to enter into the golden age.

it will be the quest to approach these understandings on all levels and to find the individual healings . in the overview there are just a few healing methods.

the game is an organism. it will grow in itself and evolve in its understanding.  

how to approach the game?
what methods?
how to see the unseen?
clusters of the game:
– (un-)conscious
– individual in the game of oneness > you are everything!

the next clip on Human Evolution is featuring Eamonn Healy and the explanation of an possible evolution of mankind beyond all understanding within this lifetime. so in this version it could be a fantastic idea to play the game as it will be about the individualization of humans in order to make the individual and its selfrealization the need of the entire system.

Eamonn Healy: Human Evolution