
some initial meditations and information

starting with maybe the biggest of all challenges: “finding the lost heart”… compassion training to find pure love that is non-attached and unconditional. caring, selfless and without expectations .

as this path goes towards ourselves and others – inside and outside – the work with the inner child is in the center of this practice.

finding the true nature of the young and pure soul that is within each and everyone…

there is a fundamental clinical research on how compassion effects health. in the ebook that was one of the outcomes of studies of Tania Singer and Matthias Bolz which also show how compassion based training works in practice.

What is the difference between empathy and compassion? Is it possible to train compassion? Can it be measured? How useful is compassion training in schools, clinical settings, and end-of-life care? Can the brain be transformed through mental training?

– describes  compassion training programs
– empirical research
– experiences of practitioners
the eBook includes videos and  sound collages by Nathalie Singer, and images by Olafur Eliasson.


currently we publish meditations on different channels. see the following  for your research. we’ll also provide “entries” within the aquascious community to facilitate people on their multitude of approaches that are to be met within the path


the latest of meditation from Varanasi, India in February, 2020. ENJOY the Sitar and the beautiful atmosphere of this magic city!

this contains another loving kindness meditation to get in touch with you inner child and the pure love within you…

in this clip you find a guided meditation to activate your chakras and protection as such. it was a really powerful session. I hope some come over 🦄

another session to guide through body and consciousness. enjoy the flight. also experience the power that is within your “reiki-hands”

getting the vibration clean – together

mantra chanting – we started to collect healing music as a group of people that are wishing to heal themselves and others

vibration is the basis of all elements: earth, wind, fire, space, water. the vibration of music can be used to clean energies that are stuck. vibrations of fear, illness are stored memories in our energetic bodies. they are alive in the body of the now. sound healing in exists in many different forms. find your method of listening, chanting, humming, dwelling with healing music. get inside the mantras. find comfort and growth in melodies of  compassion, safety, purity and the divine.

mantras and sound as such are tunes that are charged with energy. delivered through channellings of contemplative practitioners of all regions of the world.

there is healing music within this playlist from hindu, buddhist, christian, islamic and native tribes.

no labels – just feeling