
Jenny is a dear friend since we met in Rishikesh in Spring 2018. We’ve been traveling together from Rishikesh to Delhi, Puttarparti and to a weird clinic near Bangalore to get natural treatments… after flew over to Sri Lanka traveling down South to Welligama. From there Jenny took her journey without me again to the UK and that’s where she’s practicing her Energy work these days. She’s been back to the South of India last year to get deeper into the yogic sciences and took a 3 week-program. She got the Master in Reiki from me, learned about crystals and sound healing. Also she got herself to be a yoga instructor and most importantly is a very beautiful and lovely soul.

By now I even understand her Kiwi-Accent!

❤️❤️❤️ Christian

I share this intentional recording from home yesterday as I can no longer do soundbaths in person. It is my first attempt to record and I don’t have fancy technology, but I think it sounds quite good considering the limitations. You are welcome to listen and I hope this brings healing xxx (JENNY)



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