


I am art teacher and artist. And I am seeker of the unknown field. Was traveling sice 5 years ago through india, arabic emirates and Nepal. I am part of everything.  (Miriam apr 11, 2020)


I guess I never met Miriam in person in this lifetime. Fact is that she found aquascious already back in her days in varanasi earlier this year.  people that are supposed to find one another are finding one another these…

in fact I am locked up in the very guest house that you can see in her introduction videos.  munna guesthouse varanasi. she made her way over to Katmandu. thats where she is joining the light work these days. very excited to meet you here ❤️🙏 Christian


a sharing about consciousness from Miriam in the WhatsApp group

this it will be part of the library of understanding that we will create as an aquascious need to solve the riddle of life for all of us!


“I am photographer of the moonand the sun among other things, this is my website: www.calendariopez.tumblr.com” Miriam apr 4, 2020

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