
the perfect yogi
“he is an embodiment of service (Seva), devotion (Bhakti) and surrender (samarpan, egolessness). He is an incarnation of shiva. He is also considered the son of wind-god (Maruta) son of Anjani Devi. He has a high chin (hence the name Hanuman) and a long tail like that of monkey. In physical characteristics he looks sub-human, but his qualities are divine/super human, which all of us aspire to have. He is endowed with tremendous physical and spiritual strength, courage and valor (hence the name mahavir), fearlessness, devotion to Rama and sita, (hence the name Rama-das, Rama-doot etc.) high intelligence, truthful speech, ocean of knowledge and other good qualities. He is in complete control of all his senses.”

Tuesday is Hanuman-Day:
see what Agathe sent…


Hanuman, Sita and Rama are giving the support to unite with our pureness. The attributes that are within Lakshmi and Vishnu are within Sita and Rama. The qualities of Shiva within Hanuma, who received a full Ladu (Indian pastry) with shivas power.

a collaborative playlist you can drop in more hanuman tracks. thats five amazing ones as of today 22/04/20

the hanuman bolo mantra of the love keys opened up the gate to the hanuman energies big time. in fact I never felt the present as strong as I can experience them here in varanasi. the lockdown is cleaning the air and many other vibrational fields. but the connection was already extremely strong in the time since 04/01/20 that I’ve been here. he is basically everywhere in the city in statue and in energy.

the following two passages / pictured were are copied from https://www.bhaktibreakfastclub.com/mantraglossary24 (as we will not invent the wheel again here🌸) – just connecting our intentions, love and our journeys to create something new. be aquascious…