varanasi – 🙏smart, holy and healthy city

Kāśī (काशी: Kashi) from the Sanskrit verbal root kaś- “to shine”, making Varanasi known as “City of Light”,[13] the “luminous city as an eminent seat of learning” – we want to teach the new way today by trial and error but investing only heart intentions. only like this the city can shine as Rudravāsa (रुद्रवासा: Sanskrit: “the place where Rudra/Śiva resides”).

sai kashi

muna family, friends from varanasi, christian and more souls from around the globe are starting a project these days reacting and transforming the effects of lockdown and the ride into the unknown into a project of private engagement.

topics will be education, spirituality, social responsibility, fear reduction and creating a network of a collective spirit of overcoming the fear as a collective. private donations are already available. but in the end we shall provide structures and education to make the citizens and its visitors safe even if there is a second wave of this virus is coming (as widely predicted).

starvations because of fear of social contact should happen nowhere on this planet.

varanasi is a prototype in the very beginning that any other community will be welcome in ideating, researching and connecting. as our principles have established the divine law that is shared by all mystiques. any action should be intended in reducing suffering thus decreasing separation. integrating everybody and everything as this is what the creator provided for our realisation. this is in accordance with the postulated human centric measurement of success of the current Indian governing party and the goal of self-sufficiency. 

let’s prove that another way is possible. only private engagement can safe us from the money system for now. so this is volunteer and transparent private engagement, friends help friends without expecting monetary rewards as the giving is the reward in itself.

we are currently talking about shared meditations, food production and free cooking, awakening coaching, hindi-english-classes, computer education, innovation coaching, healing teaching and treatments, love startups on the internet ;)… your ideas and suggestions are more than welcome and will be looked thoroughly into. we don’t have the solution but a strong intention.🙏  so we shall succeed and we are supposed to ❤️


we can and will establish a network of people caring about the wellbeing of the whole of the citizens of varanasi and its guests. at the same time aquascious is looking for collaborating projects to learn and share. 

our first concern considering varanasiis to keep people safe and give them a perspective beyond the fear of the current situation of the coming “unknown” and the deeply worrying official facts on the situation of a pandemic more dangerous than ever before. 

we shall talk about precautions to take to maintain physically and mentally strong in these times of collective worries. this initiative is going to build the social care and connectedness we as humanity need in these times of change. the aim of our creation is to reduce individual and social suffering. we shall support anything that is serving this goal

starting with the basic need of food, shelter, social contact and being accepted in the innocent way that god made us. aquascious as a family is on a collective journey towards self-(collective) realisation. aquascious is no club, it is an intention: ending the world of lies and starting the world of truth.

as aquascious we are beyond other qualities striving towards self confidence and creativity as this is what mysticism of all ages and modern science agree on these days are the qualities of liberated mankind. compassionate, total acceptance of the other, selfless, giving, simplicity, creative, artistic, trusting and living in accordance with the divine teachings. being an open ear, heart and will is what brings us to oneness, adveita, the buddha that can see through each and everybodies eyes as he is realised in this illusion called world, that everything is an experience of his. loving thy neighbour as loving yourselves.