Wilhelm Reich

flow of energy in case of anxiety

flow of energy in case of pleasure

Reich experimented with the universal energy that he called ORGON which was derived from his research on the Orgasm and due to the fact that  orgon can charge organic matter with this energy.

He was able to measure anxiety and pleasure as opposed energies within the body.

in his experiments to conserve this healing energy he figured that metallic materials attract the orgon energy and quickly reflect it in both directions,  whilst other materials like cotton and plastic attract, absorb and hold orgon energy.

reich built boxes (Orgon Accumulator Boxes) that where having different layers of organic layers and putting an metal layer in the inside. Around he put metallic and non-metallic layers. the non-metal layers would attract and hold and like this always give the orgon energy back to the metal that would lead the energy either inside or outside. for this it will in the end go inside and be kept by the metal layer that is in the inside. the concentration rises.

in his research he found that the number of layers would increase the concentration of the energy.

there was cancer tests run with very positive results, seeing for instance that the shrinking of the tumors, relief of pain,  weight gain and increase of blood quality. still the patients died and he concluded that disease is caused by resignation. the best way to cure cancer would therefore be to prevent this state of resignation. orgon energy as being the emotional life force.

❤️christian: reichs life is an amazing story of someone working for humanity with a vision. he was fighting for research and education all his life. he gained rejection already from Freud, when he was retreating from his libido theory. next he ran from the nazis. and was in the end imprisoned in the u.s. for this watch the documentary and see how someone is serving for what he beliefs in. as his inventions were very promising for fighting cancer there might be a connection to the FDA (us federal drug administration) interfere in the strongest way. He went to prison and died and even his books were burned in the US books. in the 50s after what Nazi Germany had done in the Reichskristallnacht. the night in 1939 when the books of intellectuals, jews, all opponents were burned.

using the orgon energy reich was experimenting on curing cancer, influencing the weather and the development of a motor.