Lord Shani Devi

❤️Agathe 02/05/20

Today Saturday, day of worship of Lord Shani Deva also also known as Krura-lochana, – ‘the evil-eyed one’.
During those 2 years of intense travelling in India I always felt a deep mystic and occult energy when I received darshan of Lord Shani. First deep experience that I share was in Andra Pradesh in Mandapalli Mandrswara Swamy mandir, such an amazing place.

Associated with male energy and Lord Shiva, brother of Lord Yama, Saturn is a slow moving planet which refers to austerity, longevity, concentration, meditation, discipline, suffering and austerity. In each Junnam Kundali we can know if an individu has good capacity and ability to endure the hardship of life…
efflict saturn cause in contrary suffering, depression, loneliness, addictions and so on. Shani Dev, God of Justice and Karma, admirer of Truth is also a devotee of Hamuman ji.
Saturday access the energy of Saturn.
“Karmically considered, the placement of Saturn in your birth chart indicates where your energetic blockages, weaknesses and fears lie, and the areas of your life where the most concentrated effort and discipline will be required to master and overcome them.

Yet it also points to the aspects of life which can become your greatest strength if you are willing to face your fears and difficulties honestly, and work with them patiently.”

Lord Shani Beej Mantra :

Om Pram Preem Proum Dah shanaye Namah

ॐ प्रां प्रीं प्रौं सः शनैश्चराय नमः॥

Om namo narayanan, much love to all ☀🦚
