‘Digambara Digambara Shrīpad Vallabh Digambara’

Digambara Digambara Shrīpad Vallabh Digambara

Meaning: The Lord has venerated feet and is adorned with the dress of the universe. He roams everywhere with ultimate grace and brilliance blessing the worlds with happiness and prosperity. Guru Datta Mantra.

hypnotic mantra


beautiful stories of a local god of gods – datta

incarnation of Shiva, Brahma and Vishnu – son to the yogis atri

mystic practice sufism

how to conduct the spiritual practice by this passage from pir-o-murshid hazrad inayat khan. there will be a twist in every part of life if we are on the path of awakening. thus there is the reccomendation to study the respective science, swell as the nature of man and the earth in observation, swell as cocentration/meditation practices and also to live according to the divine principles

additionally it can’t be emphasized strongly enough that the way towards self is only found in trust and the longing to end the suffering inward and outward in seeking refugee inside the heart.

only you will protect and understand yourself after all. so stop to be hard on yourself. 

the offer is to join on these practices and share within the aquascious family. there is a collective and an individual journey until we understand that there is no difference after all. get in touch if interested ❤️

ajna chakra awakening

Going for meditation ajna chakra awakening, connecting your higher consciousness with your physical entity. Feeling the energy of the 3rd eye vortex as it spins effortlessly between our physical eyes…sense the pulsation of chakra energy and smell the fragrance of the Third eye chakra lotus 💎

Mudra : shambhavi mudra
🙏🙌🌺💗 Mahadev

our transformation

❤️ we start moving towards the collective consciousness of the aquarian age

on any level supporting our waking up as mankind to our full loving and creating potential !

find our artifacts of wake up intentions on all todays channels

you change the world by opening mind, heart and will!




we’ll create the webchannels of truth

  • people solution to replace the corporate web services
  • publicly owned and governed by mankind in its purest intentions
  • internet to support and protect humanity – helping, instead of spying and manipulating


this is about individual and collective transformation

reflective meditation

a meditation to understand mind that is going for an active inquiry and an intuitive trust to learn about minds layers and patterns. you are welcoming thoughts and also documenting them by writing them down. after you let go again to go back to the topic that you chose to reflect on. In the following example taken from the course material of roberto assagioli (Meditation Mount, Ojai, CA, USA) their us a recommendation for an exercise to reflect on right human relations. this topic is highly interesting in assagiolis works as he sees the right human relations in both ways – the external relationships in a divine way and same inwards towards our own self.



before you start the procedures it is advisable to set yourself up by your meditation routine of checking your personal instruments of getting into the now, connected to earth, into the heartspace. there is a whole section of ideas for the surf of meditation. important is that you find your safe space that you can question all of the illusion / maya / world  in order to understand and to let go.

in the reflective method you ask for guidance in understanding considering your intention. requesting is a question style: your personality, your flow, your stage of trust and connectedness as you can also demand the support in understanding instead of requesting. universe is in a mystic sense existing in order to support you. due to the basic conditioning that we received this is sometimes a little hard to grasp 😉 a requesting can be a good beginning. demanding works really good too I can say from my experience. as for anything in life it is in the end about you really meaning request or demand, with your whole intention. concentrate and trust.



The mystery of life, your role in this game and today’s world

Yesterday i watched these beautiful 10min of Zach Bush. Listening to him is one of the moments I feel by his presence that I am not alone in my awareness of life being endless and full of beauty and bliss.

He is talking about his experience working in an hospital and being specialised on bringing people back to life, that have already died clinically. He’s been doing this job for years and this is what got him so fascinated into the question of the beyond.

In the interview he talks about that one night that they brought back three people that not only shared the first sentence that they all shared in his experience: “why did you bring me back?”. all of these people you can read also in other accounts of research on near-dead-experiencing are talking about this place they have been where there is love and light only. this evening in the hospital all three returners also said “it was the first time i felt completely accepted”.

this is what aquascious is about: to create this place that all the mystiques and people with deep divine experiences have been talking about since the beginning of time. a place where each of us accepts and loves oneself strongly in a way that we can live up to Jesus words: “Love your neighbor as yourself.” we can only enter this heaven on earth TOGETHER as we all would need to start to understand everything that is not love within and around us. Also after understanding we will need to change it. whatever “it” is. it will for sure always be a relationship that goes inwardly towards ourselves. to be consistent the inside awareness will grow through us to the outside – enacting the right action that results from the understanding.

Zach is also pointing out that this might be the last chance to try this with respect to the illusion called earth and saving mankind as there is some climaxing reality including corona, pollution, nationalism, inequality and greed out there, which is the playground for your hero’s journey. so basically there is two options as i can make them out:
(1) watch and suffer while the world is ending as you are the one declaring the evil has won to your inside and outside. or
(2) fighting for your innocence and inner acceptance each and every day. this is the process that will safe the world. as it is your world that you create.

one of the objectives of aquascious is to get into a deeper understanding (call it collective research) of how the individual awakening can be best supported. we collect and connect the countless accounts from all traditions – like buddhist, shamanic, vedic, christianity, sufism and so on – where the objective of the work was deep compassion and the understanding of the godly nature all beings in this world. these teachings and writings connect us within aquascious with our todays aquascious/world-soul family and its experience. every contribution within our platform has a name, face, a soul behind it. coming from an author with willing to learn about selfawareness while sharing. explaining and with this also deeper understanding the own connection to the topic that the soul shares about. reflecting. maybe a deep experience, an inherent interest or fascination.

in bringing in the “bias” as modern science calls the individuals views on life. by handling this status of each of us with the highest respect aquascious also intents to integrate the rest of the world. today’s science and worlds history. we want to understand this time. and what the golden age is about that Zach is not mentioning as such but asking everybody to go to.

the age of truth, the age where all will be as one, the age of aquarius, satya yuga (vedic). there is many terms for the collective awakening in the many forseeings. “miraculously” the event often was foreseen for the earth years we are in now. not all of them for sure. but we as aquscious stop doubting but dare to ask questions.

so what if this were true? that we might all wake up together now? maybe this is why wei love hollywood movies with an happy end so much – because our soul is longing to get home. consider that we are the first collective in history that can do this – as we are now connected by the internet. at the same time the system that is supposed to support and serve us as people is completely out of hand. controlled by a value system of competition and being a smart negotiator. the strongest export nation on earth or the best in whatever.

there is nothing better to do to explore who we are in order to become compassionate, understanding love only. especially today: life is evolution, let’s make sure we start taking care of the direction as what happens in the US sounds like news that are more then 100 years old. yes this is of my concern and it is yours.

aquascious is an open invitation to anyone willing to try to go this way of getting into control and responsibility of our own self. we change the future and create our destiny. stop pollution inside and get nectar to yourselves and others – amrita, .



anyone also inspired by Zach: there is a long account of his explaining about the nature of viruses and bacteria in a holistic way.






#zachbush #wakingup #death #selflove #collectiveconscious

An overview of Life by Ken Wilber

this is a missing puzzle piece to the aquascious game. if you got confused by now by archetypes, heros journey, psychology, spirituality, enactment, chakras, healing, breathing and the collective consiousness that is freaking out…. look at this for a while. it is just in the middle of all of this and is self-explanatory or at least with our help. ken wilber puts all of this into a different but same framework . enjoy and thanks agathe and shiva for bringing this piece now. i must have read the book 8 years ago. ages. ken wilber and spiral dynamics are deeply intriguing. One of my first deep flirts with divine psychology.


about the project and christian

the concept of the hero journey is presented by my story. idea is to collect sharing along these topics but also on the underlying criteria as love, sexuality, jealously, guilt, helplessness, … (we shall see where the journey takes this), in order to face these fears, see how we don’t need them and heal them. the sharing is one dimension of the realization that is necessary to overcome these energies that are stuck within our systems. understanding the “why like this” and how to end it “I am not this” and transforming into “I am love and light” is the mission!
🙏🌸🦄 ❤️christian