
It was just earlier in the ” aquascious-coming out”, “we will have a complete overview-pre-celebration” … some words dropped. the connecting idea is that ❤️mau shared 92 pieces of art that are really amazing. anyone can jam poetry or any kind of ❤️sharing  on the art of mau or any other. I picked the picture beneath from her collection🙏.

opening mind, heart and will is the journey inwards towards the lost nature of self love. this is the separation. only my absolute commitment to truly seek and live my pure divine nature opens the endlessness. the unmanifest unfolds into the world through my understanding and peace.

I am inspired by ❤️mau. I am ❤️Christian. Mau is a “Rainbow-Sister”, well far more than that. She is shining and free. to see her purity is therapy. she was gifted to my life in the mountains of Himalayas in last fall. I would trust her with anyones life since I saw her luminate the main fire. the fire was the weaker one in the game, there was no option for that fire NOT to follow her will.

I will write more about this beautiful soul in connection to her amazing artwork and to setup her family profile (soon…

—ADMINISTRATION APOLOGIES —sorry to everyone that there has not been an update recently for the new family. many aquascious activities on all ends currently – the last thing I now figured, is to fix the website after the big picture is done. it’ll be magnificant! at the moment I am busy to give a full overview of what it is to address the world with. that WE❤️ already have.

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